EIA Shale Gas Map

EIA Shale Gas Map
EIA map setting out the location of shale basins across the U.S.

Monday, April 12, 2010

What Wes is doing in energy today

So, I'm in Minneapolis. Why? Well, because I'm helping write the wrap-up report for a project for the Department of Energy. The project is focused on the development of a CO2 capture, storage, and transportation legal and regulatory infrastructure. We're focusing on economic issues, transportation issues, and potential regulatory frameworks. One of the key issues is who regulates this? There are strong cases to be made for the EPA (it is a "greenhouse gas" under the Clean Air Act) or an energy regulatory agency (FERC, CFTC, etc.) The clearest potential regulator right now is the EPA. However, there is an even stronger gas to be made for a sort of "dual-regulation" meaning regulation by different agencies. Under "dual-regulation" there is the inherent recognition of the value of CO2 as a commodity (for EOR) as well as something that could potentially pollute if mismanaged.

We're also looking at state regulations and have found that states are already taking a sort of "dual-regulation" approach by regulating CCS through their oil and gas regulatory agencies and their environmental management departments. Like types of energy and environmental regulation, the states are leading the the federal government.

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